Manage AVS

Managing quorum and strategies

You may wish to change the restaked strategies this AVS supports.

If you wish to select more strategies (e.g. EIGEN, reALT), you can select them and click on “Save Changes”. You will then be prompted to confirm a transaction in your Ethereum wallet.

Contract addresses

Click on "Contract addresses" to view your corresponding AVS contract addresses.

Contract roles management

Click on "Contract Roles" to view the addresses of various roles.

If you wish to modify any roles, click the edit button and submit the transaction.

Please note that role changes are only available to contract owners. You can check out the current owner's address in the "Contract roles" section.

Upgrade service manager contract

Suppose you have custom logic and have deployed your service manager contract implementation. In that case, you can use the "Upgrade Service Manager" functionality to point your service manager proxy contract to the new implementation.

Updating AVS metadata and adding to the EigenLayer Holesky App

Click "Edit" to edit the metadata. Provide the link to your metadata JSON

Wait for around 10-20 minutes. Your AVS will appear in the Holesky Eigen App.

Please note that

  • Metadata format should follow the format outlined in this example

  • For proper rendering of your logo on the UI, the logo must be hosted on GitHub and its reference must point to the raw file

For more information, you can check out

Creating new rewards

To issue new rewards to your restakers and operators, use the "Add Rewards" function.

  1. Select the reward token or input your reward token

  2. Select the number of tokens to issue

  3. Select which strategies to reward to

  4. Select the start date. Do note that you can only start on a specific day of the week.

  5. Select the reward range

Proceed to the next step

  1. Approve the token amount for the rewards

  2. Submit the reward transaction

You may want to check out EigenLayer documentation on AVS Rewards for more information.

Update Stake

You can track your last AVS stake update and update your stake status using the "Refresh" button.

Last updated