cBridge SDK


The cBridge SDK enables new and existing applications to integrate with a rich subset of features available in cBridge to build in-app transfer functionality into their applications. Libraries and packages are available and allow you to implement functionalities into your dApp quickly. The cBridge SDK also allows you to customize UI and enable the native asset-transfer UX for users.

In addition, the cBridge Transfer Web Widget provides a lightweight version of the cBridge SDK, which makes the integration easier and allows you to enable cBridge transfers with the complete source files supported.

SDK Working Flow

The following graph reveals a general cBridge SDK integration inside your application. In most cases, you need to support only two functions(red lines in the graph):

  1. Send requests to cBridge gateway through cBridge SDK

  2. Send the corresponding on-chain transaction to cBridge contract


It's highly recommended to communicate with cBridge gateway by using grpc-web.

  1. All messages are defined in protobuf, enum value could be used directly, such as Completed, instead of an integer value 1. It helps mitigate bugs and errors due to random mapping issues

  2. Inside cBridge gateway, there are some post APIs needing serialized byteArray as input. It takes some steps to prepare format accepted request information. Just in case you prefer RESTful API requests

  3. Since cBridge iterates frequently, the best way to update everything is by using grpc. You can always check the latest grpc generated files and keep in touch with the newest cBridge gateway

1. Install the grpc-web

To begin development with cBridge SDK, each developer needs to install grpc-webthe cBridge gateway communication

// Install via yarn
yarn add grpc-web

// Install via npm
npm install grpc-web

2. Download cBridge type-script client and contract

Download auto-generated protobuf files(including xxx_pb.d.ts, xxx_pb.js) in cBridge typescript client repo.

3. Import cBridge SDK into your projects

Import the file and type-defined messages. They can be used in your project. The following is the code snippet for type-script client usage in the JavaScript project.

// import getTransferConfig request message
import {
from "../ts-proto/sgn/gateway/v1/gateway_pb";
// import grpc-web WebClient
import { WebClient }
from "../ts-proto/sgn/gateway/v1/GatewayServiceClientPb";
const request = new GetTransferConfigsRequest();
const client = new WebClient(`https://cbridge-prod2.celer.app/`, null, null);
const response = await client.getTransferConfigs(request, null);

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