Migration from Xterio (Legacy) ALT Pool to Xterio Restaked ALT Pool

  1. Proceed to https://stake.altlayer.io/portfolio to initiate β€œUnstake” ALT from the Xterio (Legacy) ALT launchpool.

  2. Initiate β€œCooldown” for your desired amount of ALT, and confirm the transaction on your Ethereum wallet. Note that the Cooldown has been set to 0s to allow immediate withdrawal.

  3. β€œRedeem” your unlocked assets and confirm the transaction on your Ethereum wallet.

  4. Head over to https://stake.altlayer.io/stake to start restaking your ALT. You will be asked to first execute an β€œApprove” transaction to give the staking contract approval to utilise the ALT in your wallet, then you will be asked to execute the β€œStake” transaction to stake your ALT.

  5. Once the β€œStake” transaction is confirmed on Ethereum, you will be asked to convert your staked ALT (stALT) into restaked ALT (reALT).

    Similarly, you will be first asked to execute an β€œApprove” transaction to give the staking contract approval to utilise the stALT in your wallet, then you will be asked to execute the β€œConvert” transaction to restake your stALT.

  6. Now, head over to https://stake.altlayer.io/vaults/xterio/staking-pools to delegate your reALT to the Xterio’s Restaked ALT Pool.

    You will be asked to execute the β€œDelegate” transaction to delegate your reALT to this Restaked ALT Pool.

Do note that delegation is an all-or-nothing transaction. You can also delegate your reALT repeatedly to multiple Restaked ALT Pool(s) to opt into them at the same time.

Please ensure reALT remains in your wallet. Regular snapshots of reALT balance will be taken and will be used to calculate future ecosystem rewards.

You have now successfully migrated your ALT from the Xterio (Legacy) ALT Pool to reALT, and also successfully delegated your reALT to the new Xterio Restaked ALT Pool. Cheers!

Last updated